My Previous Projects and Assignments

Coming Soon: Public Relations & Campaign Devlopment


Campaign Goal: Create a fully-integrated campaign to bolster recruitment for the newly merged Missouri high school journalism organization.


Mock Campaign: Death Wish Coffee Company

Featured below is a series of campaign items produced by my team and myself as a part of an 8-week course dedicated to introduce strategic writing and design concepts. Our proposed client was Death Wish Coffee Co., based out of Saratoga, N.Y.

Document reading 'Death Wish Coffee Co. Graphic Standards and Guidelines'	with a mock gravestone logo below
Document containing logo usage, color palette, and typography for Death Wish Coffee Co. mock campaign

Brand standards including logo design, color palette and typography created and selected by me.

Print ad reading 'There's something bold brewing in the cards for you... Death Wish is your destiny' with red tarot cards featuring a horse, coffee bean plant, and coffee cup on a brown background

Print Ad

Banner Ad

Mock website homepage with a top view of a latte as the main image, a translucent red navigation bar, and title reading 'The taste of true rebellion'.

Website Homepage

Souvenir Program: Missouri State Fair

This is one of the primary projects worked on in the Missouri State Fair Marketing Department during Summer 2021: a souvenir program displaying several pages of details anyone would want to know about what to do at the Fair.

PDF cover of the 2021 Missouri State Fair souvenir program with the year's logo, dates, and background image

Out of the total 48 pages, I worked on material on 29 of the pages — with the exception of the front cover and daily schedules crafted by our ad agency. All pages featuring advertisements were inputted by the souvenir program printer, The Sedalia Democrat.

Social Media

Here is a variety of screenshots from the Missouri State Fair's social media feeds demonstrating content creation, photography work and analytics through comments and likes.

Instagram photo of a group of family members in front of a sign reading 'Missouri Farm Families' and caption with hashtags.
Instagram photo at night of a chocolate soft-serve waffle cone being held with a blurred, lit ferris wheel in the background and caption with hashtags.
Instagram photo of two young boys wearing cowboy hats and farm pun shirts laughing with one another and capttion with hashtags

Graphic Design


Newspaper Layout

During my high school tenure, I was one of the primary designers for our newspaper, taking on the responsibility of designing the front and back covers as well as an additional news paage during my junior and senior years.
Here is the final page spread that I designed for the paper during our senior issue in May 2019.

Photo shows a page in the April 2019 Peace Pipe Chatter Newspaper with various photos and headlines reading, 'Thank you, MCHS. Love, Santa,' 'Senior athletes signing for college sports' and an infographic with statistics reading 'What lies ahead for high school grads?'


Instagram Story Ad

I have also worked on various social media displays for advertisements and organizations of which I am a member. Featured below is a sample Instagram story ad for the Missouri School of Journalism featuring a photo I took and a quote by the first dean of the school, Walter Williams.

Photo shows a graphic with a bridge in the middle and trees on either side. A header across the top reads ‘Missouri School of Journalism,’ ‘University of Missouri’ and ‘The World’s Journalism School,’ with a quote by Walter Williams along the bottom reading ‘Wise shall be the bearers of light.’


Infographic: Airlines React to COVID-19

In an introductory Audiences and Persuasion class, I was assigned a group to develop a persuasive campaign attempting to get people back to air travel in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Displayed is the infographic I designed for airlines to demonstrate the measures they were taking to prevent the spread as people return to travel

Graphic displaying information regarding sanitizing and safety measures taken by airlines as a result of the pandemic. Measures include touchless boarding and tagging, increased cleaning measures, decreased flight capacities and a masked-up guarantee.

Multimedia Story Sample: Guardian Oaks Farm

This is a story package completed by me and three classmates during a semester where were responsible for reporting on the town of Moberly, Missouri. We rotated primary roles for newsgathering practices such as print, audio and photography.

This piece tells the story of a non-profit organization taking in neglected animals headed for slaughter.

We used a combination of print, audio and photo elements to tell this story for different media outlets.


Link to our Print News piece here. (opens in new tab)


Photo gallery displaying the five photos shot and edited for this package.

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The sign introducing Guardian Oaks Farm, an organization that aims to rehome formerly neglected horses and other animals, stands in front of a pasture on the property, where a small girl interacts with one of the horses in the background on March 2, 2021, in Moberly, Mo.
Guardian Oaks founder, Sherri Crider, bends down next to a fallen horse to perform treatment on its legs and hooves before eventually helping it back to a standing position on March 2, 2021, in Moberly, Mo. Crider sees herself not only as a caretaker for the unwanted animals that come her way, but also as the true “guardian” of the horses that reside on her farm.
Horses residing at Guardian Oaks line up at the fence of their pasture as one of the farm’s workers approaches on March 2, 2021, in Moberly, Mo. During their stay at Guardian Oaks, the animals are socialized with many different individuals in order to prepare them for whatever kinds of people they may encounter once being adopted.
Katrina Crider, daughter of Guardian Oaks founder Sherri Crider, works on basic command training with a horse named Zander during the mid-morning on March 2, 2021, in Moberly, Mo. Command training is just one of the exercises Katrina uses day-in and day-out to keep the horses’ minds sharp while they are at the farm.
Guardian Oaks volunteer Cherri Landis takes a break from some of her more demanding “grunt” work on the farm to feed a snack to and pet one of the horses on March 2, 2021, in Moberly, Mo. Landis’ first day volunteering with the organization was on March 1.


This piece includes a call-out for volunteers to come out to the farm to assist with daily chores and car for the animals, with clips from an interview with Katrina Crider, daughter of Guardian Oaks founder Sherri Crider, on March 2, 2021.

View our Audio Transcript here. (opens in new tab)